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Please see below relevant information on the 2020-21 Annual General Meeting of Learning Difficulties Australia.

Please see the Minutes of the 2021 AGM:

2021 AGM Minutes

Please see the agenda for the 2020-21 AGM:

2020-21 AGM Agenda

Please see the minutes from the 2020 AGM and the 2021 SGM below:

2020 AGM Minutes

2021 SGM Minutes

Please see below, the reports for the AGM:

2020-21 General Manager’s Report

2020-21 President’s Report

2020-21 Treasurer’s Report

2020-21 Audit Report

2020-21 Financial Statements

Brisbane Biennial Joint Conference 2021 Report

Incoming President’s Statement

Please see links below for the information that has previously been sent out via email:

AGM Announcement

9th August 2021 – Letter Regarding Proposed Legal Structure Change

19th August 2021 – Letter Regarding Proposed Legal Structure Change

24th August 2021 – Letter Regarding Proposed Legal Structure Change

1st September 2021 – Letter Regarding Proposed Legal Structure Change

IA vs. CLG information from Associations Forum

IA vs. CLG information from Justice Connect

2021 Award Winners

The 2021 Award winners are as follows:

Mona Tobias – Tom Nicholson emeritus professor

Bruce Wicking – Alison McMurtrie

Rosemary Carter – Diane Barwood 

LDA Tertiary Student Award – Reid Smith 

AJLD Early Career Researcher Award – Dr Sally Robinson-Kooi

AJLD Eminent Researcher Award – Professor Genevieve McArthur

Award Winner Presentations

Please click here to view slides from AJLD Eminent Researcher Award winner Professor Genevieve McArthur’s Presentation at the 2021 AGM.