2023 Eminent Researcher Award
Emeritus Professor Kevin Wheldall AM
The Eminent Researcher Award is sponsored for LDA by Routledge, publishers of the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. The award is presented by invitation to a researcher whose career has involved major contributions to the field of learning and learning difficulties. LDA is honoured to announce that the 2023 Eminent Researcher Award has been accepted by Emeritus Professor Kevin Wheldall AM.
Kevin has been involved in research in learning and behaviour difficulties for more than 50 years, as Director of the Centre for Child Study at the University of Birmingham, Professor of Education at Macquarie University and Director of Macquarie University Special Education Centre (MUSEC) from 1990, and more recently as Chairman of MultiLit Pty Ltd and Director of the MultiLit Research Unit. He is the author of over 350 academic books, chapters, and journal articles in the fields of educational psychology and Special Education.
The instruction in reading and related skills that has been implemented in classrooms and other educational settings as a result of Kevin’s research has changed countless children’s lives over many years (and continues to do so).
For further information about the AJLD Eminent Researcher Award and list of previous receipients click here.
LDA Awards
The Mona Tobias Award
Julie Philips
The LDA Mona Tobias Award recognises a person who has made an outstanding contribution in Australia to the education of people with learning difficulties, in leadership, research, practice, teacher and/or community education. It is with great pleasure that LDA announces that in 2023 the Mona Tobias award will be presented to Julie Philips.
Julie has contributed more than 30 years of supporting people with Learning Difficulties, through her evidence-based practice and recognised work in advocacy and leadership. Julie has made a wonderful contribution providing much needed help in securing accommodations for students with diagnoses of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, receptive and expressive language disorder (and more) in the school system. She has contributed to other organizations, leads within both her school and within her community alongside her advocacy at a national level by making submissions to government bodies, and showing leadership.
For further information about Mona Tobias and list of previous recipients of the Mona Tobias Award click here.
The Bruce Wicking Award
Julie Mavlian
The LDA Bruce Wicking Award is presented to a person or organisation who has provided outstanding innovative programs or practices relating to the teaching of children with learning difficulties. It is with great pleasure that LDA announces that in 2023 the Bruce Wicking award will be presented to Julie Mavlian.
Julie has made a significant contribution to helping students with learning difficulties, as well as their parents and teachers. She has been developing and refining her teaching practice over more than two decades, seeking out all opportunities to participate in and facilitate professional learning. Julie is the founder and administrator of Dyslexia Support Australia Facebook group with over 22,000 parent and teacher members, and a founding member of CodeRead Australia Dyslexia Network who advocate for all people with dyslexia. Julie, as a member of the Five from Five project team, has been instrumental to what has been a ground-breaking and innovative approach to influencing policy and practice – providing free, accessible information and resources based on the Science of Reading to parents and teachers, and using media and social media as well as direct engagement with politicians and senior education officials to bring about change in policy. Julie has engaged in the public debate over effective instruction and intervention with dignity and determination and has supported many others to do the same.
For further information about the Bruce Wicking Award and list of previous recipients click here.
The Tertiary Student Award
Elvira Kalenjuk
The LDA Tertiary Student Award is presented in recognition of academic excellence and significant research which advances the understanding of theoretical and practical issues in the field of learning difficulties, carried out by a student in the course of their tertiary level studies. It is with great pleasure that LDA announces that in 2023 the recipient of the 2023 Tertiary Student Award is Elvira Kalenjuk.
Elvira’s doctoral research thesis titled “When the writing is not on the wall: Exploring the experiences of dysgraphia” which focuses on exploring the experiences of dysgraphia from multiple perspectives, including children (aged 10-12), their parents and carers, and educators with the emphasis on amplifying the voices of children with Dysgraphia and providing awareness, information and education for the community offers a significant contribution in the field of Learning Difficulties. This is innovative research with an emphasis on an under researched area of significant impact for students in our education system.
Dr Shae Marie Wissell
An additional Highly Commended Tertiary Student Award is presented in 2023, to Shae Marie Wissell.
Shae’s innovative study titled ” Dyslexia – The Hidden Disability in the Workplace” and subsequent publications focuses on adults with dyslexia. The application of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of human development shed light on the intricate nature of this issue, while placing the individual at the centre. Shae’s research has the potential to significantly raise awareness of dyslexia and contribute valuable insights to the broader knowledge base surrounding the social, educational, and overall well-being of individuals living with dyslexia in the Australian community. This contribution is expected to greatly benefit allied professionals, especially those within the LDA community.
For further information about the Tertiary Student Award and list of previous recipients, click here.
The Rosemary Carter Award
Ann Ryan
The LDA Rosemary Carter Award recognises an outstanding LDA Consultant Member who has contributed to the field of learning difficulties through work with students, their advocacy for students and their families, and through education of the wider community.
It is with great pleasure that LDA announces that in 2023 the recipient of the 2023 Rosemary Carter Award is Ann Ryan, who is a Wangaratta based LDA Consultant in private practice.
Ann has provided effective, evidence-based support to students experiencing learning difficulties over many years, including providing equitable access to such support for those who may otherwise not be able to access it. She has also been involved in mentoring and advocacy work at state and national levels, striving to make a difference for students who need extra help to achieve at school. Ann has made outstanding contributions to LDA and demonstrated a strong commitment to our mission through her years of active involvement on the Council, including leadership roles as Secretary, Vice-President, Treasurer, Convenor of the Consultants Committee, and Network leader. Ann is indeed an outstanding Consultant Member and a most deserving recipient of the Rosemary Carter Award for 2023.
For further information about the Rosemary Carter Award, click here.
The AJLD Early Career Researcher Award
The Early Career Researcher Award is sponsored for LDA by Routledge, publishers of the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties (AJLD). The award is presented to a researcher who has submitted an exceptionally high-quality article to the AJLD, and whose career shows promise of further contributions to the field of learning and learning difficulties.
There is no recipient in 2023.
For further information about the AJLD Early Career Researcher Award and list of previous receipients click here.