00:33:44 Learning Difficulties Australia: Apologies for any confusion regarding the link today. The consultant PD's are run independently and the Zoom links should have been sent to you from Zoom upon your registration. 00:36:31 Geoff Ongley: Thank you. I only had a meeting link that said 16th September. This is Sharon McRoberts, linked in from New York instead of Brisbane. 00:36:53 Learning Difficulties Australia: Reacted to "Thank you. I only ha..." with πŸ‘ 00:38:13 Melanie Weinberg: I am seeing a lot of psychologists put LDA in their Educational Cognitive Assessments 00:39:03 Learning Difficulties Australia: Replying to "I am seeing a lot of..." I have seen that too but have also heard that most consultants don't have current availability. Is this true? 00:41:01 Alecia Beahan: Not in Qld. LDA isn't mentioned on many psych reports at all. :-( 00:42:15 Geoff Ongley: I'm in QLD - my online is 45 minutes (though 90 for a couple of my students) and onsite (when I'm there) 60 minutes. 00:46:04 Allyson Kelly: YARC, SAST 00:46:11 Allyson Kelly: DIBELS 00:46:26 Melinda De Haan: WIAT, TOWRE, YARC, DIBELS, MOTIF 00:46:29 Melanie Weinberg: YARC. DIBELS, CUBED 00:46:29 Jenny Vanderzweep: YARC, SAST 00:46:33 Juanita Lee: TILLS, TOWRE-2, WiAT for maths 00:46:38 Candice Macqueen: CTOPP2 YARC CC2 Steve Chinn assessment 00:46:47 Jenny Vanderzweep: Steve Cinn 00:46:50 Liz Power: Steve Chinn 00:46:50 Kristin Anthian: CTOPP 2, YARC, WIAT, TOWRE, TILLS 00:47:02 Kristin Anthian: KEY maths 00:47:07 Libby Henderson: YARC, SAST, MAI 00:47:10 Alecia Beahan: SENA 1, 2 , 3, 4 00:47:17 Liz Power: Phonic books diagnostic 00:47:20 Alecia Beahan: Ochre maths 00:48:01 Geoff Ongley: Agree with Alecia - I've never seen LDA mentioned in QLD. 00:48:06 Alecia Beahan: Heggerty 00:48:18 Jenny Vanderzweep: Kilpatrick 00:48:47 Alecia Beahan: Geoff, I didn't realise you were in Qld. 😊 00:48:48 Geoff Ongley: gEOFF, WHY IS YOUR NAME ON MY SITE? 00:48:50 Lindy Cox: Numeracy Progress tests 00:49:47 Learning Difficulties Australia: The link Geoff sent to people that couldn't find their link was his personal like which is why his name is appearing everywhere 00:50:07 Geoff Ongley: THANKS 00:50:09 Learning Difficulties Australia: There was an issue with people not being able to find the link from the registration. 00:57:53 Alecia Beahan: Me 00:58:09 Alecia Beahan: UFLI is great. 00:58:13 Kristin Anthian: yep 00:58:29 Melanie Weinberg: Me too - it is great and reasonably priced 00:58:39 Geoff Ongley: SPELD has a PD tomorrow on UFLI 01:00:00 Melanie Weinberg: Does anyone know about Connecting Maths Concepts as a Maths intervention program? 01:01:08 Kristin Anthian: You can download lots of UFLI resources for free from the website also. 01:01:29 Geoff Ongley: I am confused by the percentage figures. Can they be explained please? 01:07:22 Geoff Ongley: I used to work all day. Since COVID lockdowns I have found that schools don't like children being removed. 01:08:49 Kristin Anthian: I work in 7 schools so don't have this issue. 01:08:51 Geoff Ongley: ALso some schools are providing in school 'tutors' 01:09:05 Learning Difficulties Australia: Reacted to "I work in 7 schools ..." with ❀️ 01:09:12 Learning Difficulties Australia: Reacted to "ALso some schools ar..." with πŸ‘ 01:09:17 Alecia Beahan: Almost impossible to go into schools here in Qld. Not allowed by most Principals. 01:10:19 Geoff Ongley: I went in to several before Covid, here in Qld. Haven't tried since though - did that change here after Covid? 01:10:51 Kristin Anthian: Reacted to "Almost impossible to..." with 😞 01:10:56 Alecia Beahan: Only moved here in 2022. Not sure. 01:12:33 Kristin Anthian: Because I work in schools, I am liasing with school staff etc all day long. 01:15:00 Kristin Anthian: When you first become a consultant, student preparation takes a lot more time. 01:15:03 Geoff Ongley: Over 6 hours for all students once I know them. 01:15:08 Geoff Ongley: That's why my online sessions are shorter - more prep and marking. 01:15:13 Judith Raisbeck: My rule of thumb is 1 hour prep for 1 hour teaching 01:16:12 Alecia Beahan: I prepare homework after sessions for each students. They need to work what I've taught. I use Seesaw or Bloomz. 01:16:30 Alecia Beahan: *of my students 01:16:53 Geoff Ongley: I'm the same as Judith for Primary including neurodiverse students 01:17:06 Heather Ronngard: depends on child and always have a bank of resources have staff re digital always ahead 01:18:06 Geoff Ongley: Case manager 01:18:58 Learning Difficulties Australia: Halaxy is a free software 01:19:16 Geoff Ongley: Husband's job! 01:19:16 Learning Difficulties Australia: It is geared for health professionals 01:19:23 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "Husband's job!" with πŸ˜‚ 01:19:31 Kristin Anthian: Reacted to "Husband's job!" with πŸ˜‚ 01:20:27 Heather Ronngard: what is fee structure now 01:20:50 Geoff Ongley: $5 less for cash as saves our invoicing time 01:21:03 Alecia Beahan: I use Invoice Ninja. It is cheaper. 01:22:08 Ann Ryan: Monthly BAS 01:22:10 Geoff Ongley: Only see accountant for tax each year 01:22:11 Allyson Kelly: I use an accountant for my tax 01:22:12 Geoff Ongley: I only contact at tax time 01:22:19 Libby Henderson: Yearly 01:22:20 Heather Ronngard: at bas time 01:22:28 Kristin Anthian: Tax and financial advisor 01:22:29 Juanita Lee: Accountants for TAX - Eotax Year 01:22:30 Lindy Cox: tax time 01:23:09 Kristin Anthian: GST is income dependent 01:23:16 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "GST is income depend..." with πŸ‘ 01:24:06 Allyson Kelly: NDIS is GST free for managed plans 01:24:07 Geoff Ongley: I add GST exempt 01:24:13 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "I add GST exempt" with πŸ‘ 01:25:33 Alecia Beahan: Wow... I'm not charging enough! 01:26:17 Melanie Weinberg: Our speechy that come to out school is $190 for 45 mins 01:26:40 Geoff Ongley: Me neither! Changes when we get back to Australia! 01:29:05 Allyson Kelly: Depends on the plan. I've a couple on $62. One is up to $193 - which I don't charge! 01:29:19 Mic Garlick: sorry, I am having a bit of trouble hearing, I am by a lake with jet ski s in Thailand. I find setting fees a real balance act. I want to be recognized for experience and qualifications, but I don't want to price struggling parents out of tutoring. The demographics is important. 01:29:28 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "sorry, I am having a..." with πŸ‘ 01:29:57 Allyson Kelly: NDIS doesn't cover education. It entirely depends on the goals and the line items. 01:30:20 Geoff Ongley: NDIS pays me $152 for 90 minutes via a case manager. 01:30:48 Geoff Ongley: Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Other Professional 01:31:00 Melinda De Haan: Reacted to "Assessment Recommend..." with πŸ‘ 01:31:37 Kristin Anthian: Are you a speechy? 01:31:52 Geoff Ongley: Replying to "NDIS pays me $152 fo..." NO 01:32:09 Heather Ronngard: wellness is the term because in special ed includes speech occupational therapy and psychology support 01:32:24 Geoff Ongley: I am considered Another Professional 01:32:50 Kristin Anthian: I think you have to be very careful not to be deceptive with goals for NDIS funded students. It would be terrible if families got audited. Seen it happen. 01:33:13 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "I think you have to ..." with πŸ‘ 01:33:53 Geoff Ongley: This year most teachers have refused to speak. 01:35:59 Geoff Ongley: Where can we get those LDA brochures? I've never seen them? (QLD but teaching from overseas currently but would like some when we get back). 01:36:26 Ann Ryan: Power 01:36:36 Ann Ryan: Power Diary 01:36:40 Anne Bellert: Reacted to "I think you have to ..." with πŸ‘ 01:37:06 Kristin Anthian: Replying to "Where can we get tho..." Speak to Bec Rangas. She should be able to mail some out to you. 01:37:33 Geoff Ongley: Replying to "Where can we get tho..." Thank you. I will when we get back. 01:37:53 Cristal Flood: Can parents pay through Power Diary? 01:38:36 Cristal Flood: Thank you! 01:38:52 Liz Power: Thank you for that suggestionπŸ™‚ 01:42:32 Geoff Ongley: Recently I had a request for a report for a child who left me 10 years ago. The VCE student was asked to get evidence of her issues for accommodations. 01:54:55 Geoff Ongley: Fantastic 01:56:07 Candice Macqueen: Thanks everyone. I have to leave now. Very helpful info 01:56:14 Lindy Cox: Can we get a copy of these slides please? 01:56:16 Anne Bellert: Reacted to "Can we get a copy of..." with πŸ‘ 01:56:24 Learning Difficulties Australia: You could take payment for the first session before they come or at least a deposit 01:56:35 Learning Difficulties Australia: Replying to "Can we get a copy of..." They will be emailed 01:57:02 Melinda De Haan: Just a heads up that your insurance information for getting insurance for AON is no longer up-to-date. The names not valid πŸ™ 01:57:06 Ann Ryan: Meeting with colleagues! 01:57:08 Kristin Anthian: Insight into others practices 01:57:17 Allyson Kelly: The best thing about today was hearing what others are doing 01:57:22 Melinda De Haan: The best thing about today was… lots of transparency and guidelines for practice 01:57:25 Heather Ronngard: coherent information thankyou 01:57:33 Cristal Flood: Insight into practices 01:57:37 Felicity Brown: Best thing - finding out what everyone is doing 01:57:51 Libby Henderson: Perspective about assessment and other practises. Thank you. 01:57:54 Liz Power: Assessment tools utilised and the information on session rates. 01:58:02 Lindy Cox: Best thing about today..... is finding that much that I do is the same as others. 01:58:03 Melanie Weinberg: The best thing about today was getting some feedback about how other consultants are tracking - really helpful to think about and giving me some ideas about how I could improve 01:58:04 Juanita Lee: The best thing about today was to touch base with what other consultants are doing. Thank you for collating all the evidence. Very informative ! 01:58:37 Geoff Ongley: Thank you - best thing was hearing others' ideas and a couple of hints for online support stuff. And realise will be putting fees up when we get back to Oz! Query - what is the meeting on 16th that I have link for? 01:58:51 Liz Power: Much appreciation for collating all of the information, very informativeπŸ™‚ 01:59:11 Melinda De Haan: Thank you! 01:59:19 Bronwyn Taylor: Interesting about other's practices 01:59:32 Melanie Weinberg: A final request… I missed the July Consultants winter get together, but would love to have another one 01:59:38 Kristin Anthian: Thanks for your hard work team in getting tonight off the ground and collating data! 01:59:48 Maureen Wickham Kenneday: Thank you all, much food for thought and improvements I can make in my business - firstly to increase my fees. We will discuss this workshop in our next Network meeting. Maureen 02:00:13 Geoff Ongley: Some of us are under Geoff's name 02:00:19 Geoff Ongley: Geoff will get a lot of certificates? How will be organise this? 02:00:24 Geoff Ongley: Looking forward to a simpler annual registration process. 02:00:29 Kristin Anthian: Reacted to "Geoff will get a lot..." with πŸ˜‚ 02:01:07 Geoff Ongley: Some of my Network are attending Recordings. 02:01:18 Geoff Ongley: Sharon McRoberts sharonmacro3@gmail.com 02:01:31 Geoff Ongley: My name was on Geoff Ongley a Suzanne Elliott 02:01:38 Maureen Wickham Kenneday: Maureen Wickham Kenneday maureenwk@y7mail.com 02:02:10 Anne Bellert: Jan and Ann, you've done us proud. Thanks so much, I've found it very informative. 02:02:11 Mic Garlick: 1) Update on consultant guidelines and issues facing consultants discussed in this presentation e.g. fee structure, communication with parents, record keeping. 2) A sample copy of a privacy policy to present to parents. THANKS Ann, Anne, Jan and Elaine. 02:02:57 Lindy Cox: Distance Meeting is on 16/8/24 02:03:04 Geoff Ongley: When I clicked in I received a Maths PD heading 02:03:14 Geoff Ongley: Thankyou for an informative meeting. 02:03:17 Roslyn Tuia: Thankyou. I was only able to listen to half as I had a student (I'm also in WA). I hope I can catch up with the recording. What I heard so far was very interesting 02:03:22 Allyson Kelly: Reacted to "When I clicked in I ..." with πŸ‘ 02:03:33 Learning Difficulties Australia: Replying to "When I clicked in I ..." That was an error. It has been resolved. 02:03:34 Lindy Cox: 16/8/24 is distance Group meeting 02:03:58 Geoff Ongley: Thank you from New York! Back to sleep now! 02:04:04 Melanie Weinberg: Thank you so much for all the hard work! 02:04:13 Geoff Ongley: Thanks