The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT III) is a the most reliable and comprehensive assessment tool used to evaluate a person’s academic skills and knowledge. In this session, learn why you might like to use it, what it doesn’t test (and what you might use to supplement your data), and how you can use the data to choose evidence-informed interventions. Attendees will be provided with an intervention guide created for the Learning Difficulties Clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
**This webinar will be recorded and available for two weeks after the event**
Zoom Link
The Zoom link will be available soon.
Course Handouts
The course handouts will be available soon.
About Melinda de Haan
Melinda de Haan is a Learning Intervention Specialist focusing on students with Specific Learning Difficulties and ADHD. She earned her Master’s in Learning Intervention from the University of Melbourne in 2019. Since then, she has helped teachers use evidence-based practices to support students with diverse learning needs in a range of primary and secondary schools. In 2024, she joined a philanthropy-funded project between the Royal Children’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute as part of multi-disciplinary care team for children with complex learning difficulties. Currently, she is the Educational Coordinator in the Learning Difficulties Clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital, and she works as a Learning Difficulties Consultant and Literacy Intervention Specialist at Papillon Paediatrics.