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The LDA AGM is taking place on Saturday 19th October. To register your attendance, click here. To place a council nomination, click here.

LDA Awards

The Mona Tobias Award

Learning Difficulties Australia makes an annual award known as the Mona Tobias Award. Each year, an Award Committee of three council members considers all nominations and makes recommendations to council, who makes the final decision as to the award’s recipient.

The Mona Tobias Award recognises a person who has made an outstanding contribution to Australian education of people with learning difficulties, perhaps leadership, research, practice, teacher and community education, and is given in memory of Mona Tobias, who was a great teacher and pioneer in helping children and adults with learning disabilities.

For further information about Mona Tobias and list of previous recipients of the Mona Tobias Award click here.

The Bruce Wicking Award

Bruce Wicking established the Currajong School in 1974, and was committed to the provision of programs which catered for the individual needs of children with learning difficulties. The funds for this award are provided through the generosity of the Wicking family and their friends in commemoration of Bruce’s life and work. The award recognises an individual or organisation for innovative programs or practices relating to the teaching of children with learning difficulties.

For further information about the Bruce Wicking Award and list of previous recipients click here.

The Tertiary Student Award

The LDA Tertiary Student Award is presented in recognition of academic excellence and significant research which advances the understanding of theoretical and practical issues in the field of learning difficulties, carried out by a student in the course of their tertiary level studies.

For further information about the Tertiary Student Award and list of previous recipients, click here.

The Rosemary Carter Award

The Rosemary Carter Award was established in 2019 to recognise an outstanding Consultant Member who has contributed to the field of learning difficulties through work with students, their advocacy for students and their families, and through education of the wider community. An important criterion will be demonstrable efforts to address equity issues by making their services more accessible to disadvantaged families.  It is presented in memory of Rosemary Carter, who was the Convenor of the Consultants Convenor for many years and a great friend and mentor to members of the Consultant group.

The award is open to all current Consultant Members of LDA.

For further information about the Rosemary Carter Award, click here.

AJLD Awards

The AJLD Eminent Researcher Award

The AJLD Eminent Researcher Award is designed to recognize significant contributions by eminent researchers in the field of learning difficulties and will be awarded by invitation. The editors of the Journal will approach worthy eminent researchers, inviting them to submit an article for publication in the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. The prize of $500 will be awarded upon receipt from the researcher of a paper appropriate for publication in the Journal.

For further information about the AJLD Eminent Researcher Award and list of previous receipients click here.

The AJLD Early Career Researcher Award

This award is decided by open competition based on the submission of a paper appropriate for publication in the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. Researchers eligible to receive this award will have completed their PhD within the last six years, and will be currently engaged in research which has the potential to make a significant contribution to theory or practice in the learning difficulty area. A prize of $500 will be awarded to the recipient of this award.

For further information about the AJLD Early Career Researcher Award and list of previous receipients click here