1300 756 206

Fact Fluency: The What, Why and How

In this session, Dr Angela Rogers shares the importance of developing a strategic and targeted approach to mathematics fact...
In this session, Dr Angela Rogers shares the importance of developing a strategic and targeted approach to mathematics fact fluency with all students. She will start by exploring the research that underpins fluency development. Angela will explore its place...
In this session, Dr Angela Rogers shares the importance of developing a strategic and targeted approach to mathematics fact fluency with all students. She will start by exploring the research that underpins fluency development. Angela will explore its place in the curriculum and the impact a concentrated approach can have on student confidence, motivation and achievement in mathematics. You will walk away from this session with insights and practical ideas that will support you in implementing a research-informed approach towards fluency development with your students.
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Response to Intervention in Maths – Learnings from the Field

This session will cover the journey of establishing an evidence-based Maths Intervention Program within a government primary school context....
This session will cover the journey of establishing an evidence-based Maths Intervention Program within a government primary school context. Useful for school leaders, teachers, intervention teachers and education support staff, Brydon will share her learnings about what works (and...
This session will cover the journey of establishing an evidence-based Maths Intervention Program within a government primary school context. Useful for school leaders, teachers, intervention teachers and education support staff, Brydon will share her learnings about what works (and what doesn't!) in setting up data-driven systems of support, all underpinned by the theoretical frameworks of Response to Intervention (RtI), Cognitive Load Theory, Explicit Direct Instruction and Direct Instruction.
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How Leading Countries Teach Mathematics

Embarking on a Churchill Fellowship in 2023 to investigate best practices in mathematics teaching at a primary school level,...
Embarking on a Churchill Fellowship in 2023 to investigate best practices in mathematics teaching at a primary school level, Liana visited 6 countries in 7 weeks: Singapore, Japan, Finland, Estonia, Canada, USA. The presentation focuses on her experiences and...
Embarking on a Churchill Fellowship in 2023 to investigate best practices in mathematics teaching at a primary school level, Liana visited 6 countries in 7 weeks: Singapore, Japan, Finland, Estonia, Canada, USA. The presentation focuses on her experiences and looks at the commonalities and differences between primary mathematics education in Australia and abroad.
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Word Problems? No Problem!

Setting up and solving word problems is tricky for many students! In this session, we will review effective word-problem...
Setting up and solving word problems is tricky for many students! In this session, we will review effective word-problem strategies. First, we'll highlight common attack strategies which provide students with a process for approaching word problems. Then, we'll provide...
Setting up and solving word problems is tricky for many students! In this session, we will review effective word-problem strategies. First, we'll highlight common attack strategies which provide students with a process for approaching word problems. Then, we'll provide examples of common schemas featured in many word problems. These schemas represent the conceptual foundation of a word problem. When students use an attack strategy combined with schemas, this approach can make word-problem solving more accessible for students.
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Automaticity in Numeracy

A common barrier for students who experience learning difficulties in numeracy is lack of automaticity in basic facts. The impact is that they...
A common barrier for students who experience learning difficulties in numeracy is lack of automaticity in basic facts. The impact is that they then ‘use up’ mental resources on calculations and cannot adequately attend to higher order aspects of mathematics or numeracy tasks. This workshop will provide...
A common barrier for students who experience learning difficulties in numeracy is lack of automaticity in basic facts. The impact is that they then ‘use up’ mental resources on calculations and cannot adequately attend to higher order aspects of mathematics or numeracy tasks. This workshop will provide a brief, evidence-informed rationale for developing automaticity in number facts, including consideration of how this differs from rote learning. Then the key focus will be on strategies and approaches for teaching number facts and examples of games and activities to help develop automaticity. The content of this workshop will be relevant to teachers of students of any age who experience learning difficulties in numeracy. Presented by Dr Anne Bellert. 1.5 PD Points
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Numeracy Language Promotion in Secondary Schools

This session by Erin Rollason will unfold the importance of language in numeracy, and how to promote numeracy knowledge...
This session by Erin Rollason will unfold the importance of language in numeracy, and how to promote numeracy knowledge and skills for secondary school students with learning difficulties. Areas that will be covered in this presentation are language in...
This session by Erin Rollason will unfold the importance of language in numeracy, and how to promote numeracy knowledge and skills for secondary school students with learning difficulties. Areas that will be covered in this presentation are language in everyday numeracy, how to support numeracy language and understanding, at school and at home (i.e. morphology, strategies, executive functioning strategies- visual organisers, and the learning environment).
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