Lorraine Hammond: From the President
Michael Roberts & Sarah Asome: Council News
Special Issue: Speech AND Print
- Roslyn Neilson: In this issue of the Bulletin…
- Anna Desjardins (Notley): Speech-to-print and print-to- speech: Two sides of a single coin – let’s not devalue the currency.
- Jan Wasowicz: A Speech-to-Print approach to teaching reading
- Roslyn Neilson: Forum on Decodable Readers: Introduction
- Sue Lloyd and Sara Wernham: The Australian curriculum and the role of decodable readers in systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programs
- Jocelyn Seamer: The role of decodable texts in learning to read
- Timothy Shanahan: Decodable readers in the context of teaching ‘Set for Variability’ skills
Book Review
- Wendy Moore: The cognitive foundations of reading and its acquisition: A framework with applications connecting teaching and learning, by Wesley A. Hoover and William E. Tunmer (2020)
Consultant Notes
Olivia Connelly: Consultant notes