Dr Alison Madelaine – MultiLit Research Unit, Australia
Assistant Editor
Kim Knight – Speech Pathologist and Author, Australia
LDA’s academic journal, the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, is published for LDA by Routledge Taylor & Francis. It provides a forum for both theoretical and empirical articles on topics related to the assessment and teaching of students with learning difficulties, with a particular emphasis on intervention studies focused on effective instruction in basic skills. There are two issues of the Journal each year, in May and November. The current editor of the Journal is Dr Alison Madelaine.
For members of LDA, the membership fee includes a subscription to the Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. Members receive a print copy of each issue of the Journal in the mail, and are also able to download copies of articles from the current and previous issues of the Journal, as well as pre-print copies of articles which will appear in upcoming issues of the Journal, from the Members Only Section of the LDA website via their Member Login.
Non-members of LDA can access the listing of the contents of current and back issues of the Journal as well as the listing of the latest articles that will be included in upcoming issues of the Journal. They can also download a copy of the abstracts of articles, but do not have access to pdf copies of the Journal articles.
Further information about the Journal and instructions for submissions to the Journal are available at http://bit.ly/AJLDinfo.