Learning Difficulties Australia’s Bulletin is a professional magazine-style publication in the area of learning difficulties and effective teaching. The Bulletin contains a variety of information, including short articles on current research topics, discussions of current issues in education, reports, book reviews, and LDA updates and announcements.
The Bulletin is published two times per year. Printed copies are provided to LDA members, and back issues are available for public access.
The Bulletin aims to provide:
- A forum in which researchers can disseminate accessible information to a wide audience of educational professionals
- A venue where teachers and clinicians at the chalkface can report on the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices.
The Bulletin editorial team welcomes input from interested readers and researchers who may assist us with:
- Ideas for focus topics
- Suggestions for contributions from researchers
- Reports on effective teaching practices
- Book reviews
- Copy editing
The current editor of the Bulletin is Laura Glisson, a Speech Pathologist from Perth and the copy editor is Kate Laister from Melbourne.
Please contact the LDA bulletin.editor@ldaustralia.org if you would like to contribute an idea or suggestion, or if you would like to become a member of the editorial team. Guidelines for articles submitted to the Bulletin can be found here.